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All Together Now

All Together Now Public Fund

Founded in 2010, All Together Now's sole purpose is to erase racism. We are the only national charity dedicated to tackle this most difficult of problems.

Do you know that:
  • Nearly 1 in 8 Australians were a victim of racial abuse last year ... that's around 2.6 million people
  • Racism has direct impact on health, provoking high blood pressure, asthma and depression
  • The costs of racism are also high for business, with stress leave due to racial discrimination costing businesses $1,855 per employee affected
GOOD NEWS! Racism can be reduced with well-designed and evidence-based public education campaigns.

How the funds will be used

We educate the public, challenge stereotypes and spark dialogue all around Australia. It's your donation that makes this possible.

We also actively look for in-kind support from businesses which means we are able to run the organisation at minimal cost.

Key areas of expenditure

Your donation allows us to:
  • develop smart campaigns
  • print and distribute materials to spread the message
  • promote diversity
  • engage communities and stakeholders
  • evaluate our campaigns
Thanks for your donation. You just lead Australia one step closer to positive change.

Contact Details

PO Box 164

(04) 2318 0446

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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