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AWL NSW Shoalhaven Branch

Percy Puggles Fundraiser

Recent Donations



185 days ago

Emily Ball


185 days ago



185 days ago

Tom Child


185 days ago

Ruth Robinson


189 days ago

Colleen Duncan


190 days ago

Kessel Alcampado


190 days ago

Cheryl McMahon


190 days ago

At just 4 months old our sweet boy Percy is recovering from the first of the surgery’s needed to help him lead a long and happy life.  

Unfortunately Percy faces a couple of major challenges as he grows.   The first is his hip joints as he is already showing signs of hip dysplasia.  His right hip in particular is very loose in its socket.  

Juvenile Pubic Symphsyiodesis surgery was performed on Thursday to help reduce pain and the chances of osteoarthritis and the need for a hip replacement down the track.

His second major health issue is his airways.   Unfortunately this is extremely common in Brachycephalic breeds like pugs.  Due to the flattened face their airways don’t have the room to develop properly and they often require surgery just to be able to breathe clearly.  

Ideally this second surgery would be performed around 12 months of age when he had finished growing but unfortunately due to the severity of Percy’s airway obstruction our vets are expecting his airways to continue to narrow so badly as he grows we will need to have this surgery performed as early as 6 months of age.  

Despite all this Percy is an adorable cuddle bug who is just taking it all in his stride.  At the moment his biggest worry is finding a knee to cuddle up on.

If you would like to help Percy, please consider making a donation on the link below.   We are trying to raise $3,000 to cover his surgery costs and give him his best chance at a happy healthy lifeđź’•



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