Haemochromatosis Australia is the support, advocacy and health promotion group for people with this very common, yet little known, genetic iron overload disorder. We are run entirely by unpaid volunteers and rely on donations, membership fees and occasional grants to promote awareness of haemochromatosis in the community and medical profession and provide support and information to sufferers of the disorder.
We need your help to ensure the disease is diagnosed early and treated before it can lead to serious problems such as liver cirrhosis or cancer, heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, sexual disorders and avoidable early death.
Haemochromatosis or inherited iron overload disorder is a genetic condition that is carried by one in eight Australians of European origin and affects about one in 200. It can lead to a condition where too much iron is retained from food and builds up in the liver, joints and other organs causing serious tissue damage. Tests are simple and if treated early, the disorder can be easily and effectively controlled by venesection (giving blood). Many people treated for haemochromatosis have their treatment through the Australian Red Cross Blood Service therapeutic donor program (the blood is used to save lives just like any other donation).
Promote awareness of the disease to ensure people are diagnosed and treated before harm occurs. That includes:
We provide personal assistance, support and information for sufferers and families through our INFO LINE 1300 019, email, letters, support group gatherings and public information sessions.
Promote medical researchers investigating Haemochromatosis and possible cures and treatments
Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.
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