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Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre

Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre

Recent Donations

Sylvia Murphy


148 days ago

Susan Myers


233 days ago



237 days ago

Nick Olliff


274 days ago



300 days ago



300 days ago



336 days ago



344 days ago

Help us conserve our coastal wetlands in Melbourne’s west and combat climate change!  Wetlands provide vital ecosystem services for our environment. They act as a carbon sink, improve water quality, provide flood and storm mitigation, provide habitat for biodiversity and threatened species and provide communities with recreation and tourism.  

Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre cares about the internationally recognised wetlands in Melbourne’s West which are on the doorstep of Melbourne’s CBD.  We have an education program which leads tours around our coastal areas, provides workshops and community events to showcase our wetlands and saltmarshes, and holds Citizen Science activities to support wetlands conservation.   As the guardians of the Cheetham & Altona Key Biodiversity Area we monitor the health of the over 150 species of birds in the area. 

Your donation will support us to coordinate these important educational activities from our centre in Altona.  You will play a valuable role in promoting and protecting the wetlands.  See our plans and join in our activities at


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274 Queen Street


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