"If you look at the science that describes what is happening on earth today and aren't pessimistic, you don't have the correct data. If you meet people in this unnamed movement and aren't optimistic, you haven't got a heart." (Paul Hawken)
We hear that Climate Change is the biggest threat to human health in the 21st Century and it's already having a dramatic effect on our eco-systems and societies. What does this mean for our communities - our children and those yet to be born? What does this mean for the biodiversity we share this planet with?
'It's up 2 us' is an opportunity to mobilise our hearts and hands to not only work to address climate change and prevent its worst effects, but in the process to create a more sustainable, fulfilling and just world. See itisup2us.com.
By using the crowd funding model we are creating a project on behalf of, and accountable to, our community and future generations.
It's up 2 us!
Jaime Yallup Farrant is utilising the crowd funding model to work in WA to inspire and facilitate a groundswell of civil society action protecting our children and future generations from dangerous climate change and environmental degradation, whilst bringing forth a sustainable, just and fulfilling world.
Feel free to call Jaime on 0406722066 or jaime@rraft.com.au.
Since 2013 this campaign has been working to:
Jaime and her colleagues are now seeking financial contributions to support grassroots organising for climate justice and decolonisation, inline with the specifics above. If you feel moved to financially support this important work, thank you!
Please note the totals on this page are for money raised over the past 7 years. We are currently seeking contributions for the 2021/2022 campaign.
Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.
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