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Olivia's Place

Olivia's Place

 This is it Village - we can't do this without you.  Can you help us reach a goal of $75,000 towards supporting Gippsland families?

If we're going to continue helping nearly 200 families a year then YOU ARE NEEDED.

To sign up to our 2019 Giving Program please follow these instructions:

1. Select 'Regular Donation'

2. Select at least $10 (individual) or at least $20 (business) or more if you're able!

3. Click GiveNow button

4. Make sure MONTHLY is the option in the dropdown box then Fill out your details and select to pay by Credit Card or Bank Account at the bottom of the form

5. If donating as a business and have chosen at least $20 select the option 'Donating on Behalf of a Business'

6. Select 'Leave a message to the organisation' and add '2019 Individual' or '2019 Business' 

7. Click 'Proceed to Payment' button and complete your payment details

That's it!

To thank you we'll send you a little welcome pack including our most recent annual report, a thank you letter and an awesome window sticker for your car or business.

We'll also email you once every 3 months to keep you up to date (impact report) on how your $ are helping directly impact local families.

Your Donation Makes a Difference to Gippsland Families


$20 - What it costs for a week's worth of nappies for a newborn baby

$50 - What is costs a new mum to buy a manual breast pump

$100 - What it costs a new mum to buy a nappy bag and a few essentials

$250 - Safe Travel - what it costs a new mum to buy a car restraint

$500 - The price of reducing social isolation - what it costs a new mum to buy a pram and get out of the house


As a local charity that is overwhelmingly volunteer run and led every dollar you donate is driven further, providing full value of support going directly to working with Gippsland families.


Please give generously.  Consider a regular donation to help not just today, but into for the future.


Is your donation a gift?  Ask us in the special message to post you out a gift card.

Thank you for your support!  Kirsten Finger & The Olivia's Place Team


Worried about fees? Don't be. For every $2000 donated through GiveNow only $8 in fees applies. It's the lowest fee structure around. 



Want to know how your funds can help?

Olivia's Place was established in response to a need identified in our community for a holistic service to support and resource expectant and new parents.

Our mission is provide support during pregnancy and the important early parenting period - the first year of a child's life.  We do this through early detection and preventative activities including perinatal depression and anxiety assessment, parenting education, mentoring, referral and liaison with other services and community groups.  We also provide material aid from small items such as nappies and wipes, breast and maternity pads, right through to the larger nursery items such as cots, prams and car restraints.

We are committed to building family friendly communities, and are excited to be in an area that has individuals and businesses so willing to support this vision.

Your financial support helps us develop and deliver ongoing and new programs aimed at supporting new families on their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.


Some quick stats:

2015/16 FY we supported 92 families with 275 consultations and education sessions as well as $19,705 in value of material aid

2016/17 FY we supported 93 families with 424 consultations and education sessions as well as $32,804 in value of material aid

2017/18 FY we supported 163 families with consultation and education sessions as well as in $84,331 in value of material aid






Fundraise for this cause

Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.

Contact Details

34 Queen St

(03) 5622 1022

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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Once your donation has been processed, we'll send you a printable PDF version of the card to the email address you entered above, so you can print it yourself and give it to the recipient.
We'll automatically send an eCard to the recipient's email address (to be provided below) on the date you choose.

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Since the gift card will be in A4 size and the image will be half of the card, please upload an image with at least in 794 height x 561.5 width dimension (96 PPI).
Please refer to this link for resolutions options for A4 paper size in pixels.

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