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Rotary Club of Sydney

Sydney Rotary and PCYC Wheels to Wooloomooloo

Recent Donations

Carl Williams


1 day ago

Robert Ardizzoni


15 days ago

Karen Loblay


23 days ago

Frankie Taylor


23 days ago

James Allen


23 days ago

Gordon Mackenzie


23 days ago

Geoff Wilbow


29 days ago

Iurie Brinister


29 days ago

The first PCYC Club was opened in Woolloomooloo, New South Wales on 1 April 1937 by the then Police Commissioner, William John Mackay. The Rotary Club of Sydney following an earlier presentation from the Police Commissioner raised the funds required to build the first club.

Since then many Rotary Clubs throughout NSW have supported their local PCYC Clubs. The Rotary Club of Sydney is proud to continue our long history with our local PCYC Clubs in Woolloomooloo and Redfern and invite all fellow Rotarians and Sydneysiders to support our fundraiser with the aim of ensuring that PCYC is able to continue its work with at-risk youth in the Redfern and Woolloomooloo suburbs to break the cycle of disadvantage through crime prevention, vocational education, youth capacity building and social responsibility programs to change the life outcomes of at risk youth.

The PCYC club in Redfern has been closed down pending redevelopment which will take several years. In the meantime no arrangements have yet been made to provide an alternative safe and secure environment for the youth in the area leaving them at greater risk of falling into a cycle of crime and violence on the streets.

You can help! Sydney Rotary is working with the Management of PCYC City of Sydney (Woolloomooloo) and with Officers from the Central Metropolitan Youth Command to raise funds to purchase a Minivan. The Van will be used to transport youth from the Redfern area to the PCYC Club at Woolloomooloo so they can access the facilities and programs in a safe, secure and supportive environment. The van will also be used for other Club activities supporting both the Redfern and Woolloomooloo communities.

Donations of $2,500 and more

Make your tax-deductible donation of $2,500 or more directly to the Rotary Club of Sydney.

Call: 0401 072 337

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GPO Box 1523

(02) 8014 8073

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