WLHH provides specialist family violence support services to women and children experiencing family violence. Our service is confidential and we can provide information, referrals and advocacy. 

We provide the following services:

WLHH offers short-term crisis accommodation for women and children escaping family violence. Our specialist support workers use a client-centred approach to provide case management, risk assessment, safety planning and advocacy and referrals to appropriate services. This may include applying for an intervention order, court support, help with financial matters, securing safe housing and support for children.

The refuge is high security which means we don’t disclose the location.

All refuge referrals come from Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre.

Outreach Support
WLHH can provide outreach support to assist women and children living in the broader community in their own homes, friends or family´s house, or other types of housing.

Our specialist support workers can provide safety planning, risk assessment, material aid and emotional support to help enhance the safety and wellbeing of women and children.

WLHH accepts self-referrals and referrals from other services such as doctors, psychologists and social workers. WLHH supports women from many different backgrounds and community groups including LGBTQI+. Please contact us to discuss your individual needs or alternatively visit this page for useful resources.

Pet Project
WLHH is proud to be the first refuge in Victoria to be able to accept pets. Animals are often the victims of abuse and many women delay seeking refuge in fear of what will happen to their pet. WLHH now has space for your pets to come with you. We work closely with our local vet to ensure that your pet is healthy and happy.

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GPO Box 2010


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