Introducing the WAYJO 240 Club


WAYJO is introducing a new program for donors and friends of WAYJO to help contribute to our program.


The 240 Club aims to bring 240 supporters to WAYJO who are committed to helping us deliver on our values of Opportunity, Innovation, Inspiration, and Excellence.


We ask our 240 Club to donate $20 a month (or $240 annually).


For just the price of one flat white a week, our 240 Club will support

  • A range of events catering directly to youth activities, including workshops like our Pathways Program (formally Education Program), Regional Tours, International Exchanges, Workshops and Development opportunities;
  • Commissions of emerging composers for performance at WAYJO events;
  • Community Events; and 
  • Commercial and Private Hires 

Our Pathways Program is an important component of WAYJO's annual program, to inspire and nurture the next generation. Here is more insight on our Pathways Program; 

  • WAYJO Northern Corridor Training Band (WAYJO NC) - is a training orchestra for high school students wishing to extend themselves and learn how to read and play various styles of music including jazz, funk, Latin and rock. 
  • WAYJO's school concerts and workshops - are purpose built for high school students to experience big band jazz in a relaxed environment, with experiences designed to bring concepts from the classroom to life, with ample opportunity to interact with our professional Music Directors, orchestra members and guest artists. 
  • Regional Touring - is a biannual regional tour conducting free workshops for high school and primary school students and accompany them with a WAYJO performance. 
  • Progressions (formally Young Woman in Jazz) - is designed to encourage marginalised young people including woman and LGBTIQA+ into WAYJO and the jazz community through the opportunity to perform at prfessional live music venues, develop skills and confidence in jazz and foster friendships and support networks. 


WAYJO 240 Club members will receive access to behind-the-scenes special events, including orchestra rehearsals, special recordings, and the chance to meet WAYJO guest artists at our events.


The WAYJO 240 Club is grateful for the support. 


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PO Box 134


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