2018 is off to a difficult start for our rescue. We have had some emergency vet trips for our boofas, costing in the vicinity of $5,000 (and still climbing!) 

On New Years Eve, during a morning walk with his foster carer, our newest save, 7 year old Jett was set upon and brutally attacked by an off-lead dog along a walking track.The dog attacked Jett - grabbed him by his throat, rolled him over, pinned him down and
kept shaking Jett.

The whole ordeal lasted for 30 minutes and Jett's poor carer has been left traumatised after desperately trying to protect Jett. The owner of the dog also collected their dog and sped off, leaving behind a bloodied Jett and his distraught carer. 

Jett was rushed to WAVES emergency vet. At first, we thought that his injuries were minor, but when the vet shaved Jett we found that he had torn neck muscles, an upper respiratory tract obstruction and possibly a mandibular fracture!

Jett needed emergency life saving surgery, or he would have died. Of course we chose the option of surgery, as we do everything we can for dogs under our care.

Poor Jett had to be put under anaesthetic and have his jaw cut open and a long piece of wire inserted through his mouth, and into his jaw. The damage was severe and included a salivary gland tear.

The hole in Jett's mouth is ten inches wide by 3 inches deep and he has had half of his skin taken away from his jaw. 

Jett has woken up from surgery and is now recovering. He has a draining tube as well as wire in his jaw. He will need to be hand fed and can only have water for two days as his jaw heals.

Add to this a few dogs who unfortunately got into some Christmas chocolate and needed vet treatment for toxicity as a result, and we have been hit pretty hard!

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