Current tax deductible projects:
(Please quote project name or ID when making your donation)
ID1702 Papua New Guinea – Community Development Training
ARDF Australia currently sponsors 6 Anglican students to attend a Community Development training course in the Highlands of PNG at the Christian Leaders Training College. The course teaches project management, rice production, meat chicken production and business skills in the context of a Bible College. ARDFA Project Consultant, Conrad Parsons visited these students in June 2019 and confirmed the usefulness of this groundbreaking course.
ID1609 Egypt - Sewing and Garment Construction for Sudanese refugees
This project offers Sudanese refugees micro enterprise skills, cultural transition support and a communal space for supportive relationships. The participants learn skills that are beneficial to themselves and to their families as they adjust to their dislocation. The tailoring techniques, such as sewing and garment construction, provide participants an opportunity to earn money through sales of clothing, clothing alterations and repairs.
ID2020 Myanmar – Income Generation Plantation
This project aims to enable 135 families in the village of Htee Ka Haw, in the Kayin state of Myanmar to improve their livelihoods through the provision of resources, training and land. Currently they are relying on traditional farming and have limited resources. Illiteracy, poor education, economic hardship resulting from past civil wars and geographic isolation mean that they have no opportunity to improve their lives. By providing resources, training in modern acgricultural methodologies, and land, we can help them to take steps towards self-reliance and income security. Your contribution can greatly improve their lives and future outlook.
ID1510 Use my donation “Where most Needed”
Our Overseas Aid and Development Fund is open to receiving donations for short-term aid and development related activities. including capacity-building our growing number of in-country partners in the Global South – especially diocesan community development departments and their caring agencies.
Projects funded include –
Undesignated and 'where most needed' gifts and donations are used by this fund to meet the most needy causes known to ARDFA at the time.
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