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Australian Lions Foundation

Australian Lions Foundation - Public Appeal

The Australian Lions Foundation is part of Lions Clubs International in Australia. The Foundation is supported by the 1400 Lions Clubs within Australia.

It provides direct financial assistance to individuals and organisations through the Lions Clubs in the local areas of need including:

  • Emergency and Disaster relief (Fires, Floods, Cyclone and Drought).
  • Compassionate Grants for people in need.

Funds are distributed in partnership with our local Lion Clubs, who work with the beneficiaries to manage projects, ensuring that every cent is used in the way that it should be. The Foundation is committed to using the funds quickly and efficiently to help those people in their time of need.

$3m has been distributed through the Australian Lions Clubs network in recent years.

The Australian Lions Foundation does not charge any administration costs and your total donation will be used to support the relief that you have nominated or may be used in cases of humanitarian or compassionate need.

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