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894 days ago

Amy Liddington


896 days ago

Richard Verney


898 days ago



899 days ago



899 days ago

Perryn Warton


899 days ago

Catherine Henwood


899 days ago

Mary Wolfla


899 days ago

AWESOME is a not-for-profit organisation and we believe that EVERY CHIILD has the right to engage in and enjoy arts and culture.

We offer high quality experiences and performances that are affordable, accessible and engaging for EVERYONE.

Presented annually in Perth, the AWESOME Festival showcases a spectacular array of events including theatre, dance, early childhood activities, music, film, literature, visual arts and creative hands-on activities. 

We fundraise in order to subsidise the cost of the festival for the public with over half the festival presented free of charge and ticketed shows priced affordably for families.

Any donation, of any amount is received with massive gratitude, star jumps, high fives, the odd double backflip, multiple cartwheels and physically-distanced air kisses!

We are registered with the ATO as a charitable body and this makes your donation fully tax deductible. (if it is over $2)

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Contact Details

Level 1, 262 William Street
PERTH WA, 6000

(08) 9328 9666

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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