On any given night in Australia, around 40,000 people under 25 are homeless. Many of these young people are sleeping rough and do not have access to basic needs or support to get back on their feet. BYSA provides a safe space for young people to go when there is nowhere else to go. In this space, young people can access a range of items to meet their basic needs such as food, hygiene products and clothing. BYSA supports young people to pursue their passion and find their potential to live healthy and meaningful lives.
BYSA is currently supporting two young people who are experiencing long term homelessness. They are currently sleeping on the streets in Blacktown until secure accommodation can be found. BYSA is raising money to provide them with the following:
- Ongoing support to navigate the service system to secure housing
- Personal hygiene products
- Non perishable food items
- Underwear and socks
- Opal card funds
- Suitcases to store and easily carry their belongings
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