Approximately 3000 people die annually from work-related causes, yet governments spend significantly less on workplace safety than road safety campaigns. The Judiciary tend not to view health and safety offences as "real crimes" and will generally shift the blame for death and injury on to workers.

IDSA was the first organisation in Australia to cater to the diverse needs of families and workmates bereaved through an industrial death in the provision of advocacy and support

To date, IDSA continues to be the only organisation in Australia entirely devoted to assisting people in crisis as the result of an industrial death.

IDSA's Support Services are provided at no cost to the families and workmates, through an extensive network of people that have experienced bereavement through an industrial death, and is dependent on the support of philanthropic organisations, Government agencies and corporate sponsors to ensure continued support services.

IDSA's primary focus is on the provision of practical assistance and guidance for bereaved families and workmates during a time of enormous grief and stress. The organisation takes a proactive role role in advocating for safer work practices through community education, employer/union education, and on-site occupational health & training.

IDSA maintain a close working relationship with the following:

  • Victorian Workcover Authority
  • National Association for Loss & Grief (NALAG)
  • National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA)
  • Victorian Trades Hall Council

Key Areas of Expenditure

Maintaining the IDSA office at Melbourne Vic & Travelling to worksites for safety seminars
Training volunteers in trauma & grief counselling
Production of brochures, books & videos. A new book is in the early stages of planning, along with an Information Kit for assistance to bereaved families to help them cope when dealing with unfamiliar problems and procedures that they will be confronted with.

Contact Details

C/O Ross House 247 Flinders Lane

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