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Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage

Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage

Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage is Victoria's first and only NO KILL shelter, dedicated entirely to rabbits.

This means, that we specialise in finding permanent homes for all rabbits, including those with severe health or behavioural problems that would normally be put to sleep at other shelters, rescues and vet clinics.

We receive no income or Government funding and rely SOLELY on the generous support of our donors.

Unlike many shelters, ALL of our donations go towards rehoming and providing the best care for our rabbits.

Our Views and Values

We do not support industries or legislation that:
  1. results in unbearable pain and suffering to animals.
  2. breeds animals for profit with disregard for their welfare.
  3. sells animals without providing the correct information about their care to new owners.

Contact Details

19 Stanley Street

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