Family Access Network has been providing services to young people since 1981 and is committed to responding to the diverse needs of homeless and at-risk young people and young families. Our service philosophy is underpinned by a client focused, rights-based approach. We operate in the belief that timely intervention maximises positive outcomes.
FAN’s vision is for a community which acknowledges and values the dignity and worth of all citizens, and enables individuals to deal positively with adverse situations in their lives.
Family Access Network will provide support to young people who are homeless and those at risk of homelessness in the form of:
Access to accommodation and support options, including therapeutic interventions for both young people and accompanying children.
Development of resources for young people, children and staff.
Provide social skill development opportunities for at-risk young people and accompanying children.
Engage in high quality research while conducting in-house research on best practice and innovation.
FAN is seeking donations or other financial assistance that can be utilised to provide clients with essential living items and improve the service we can provide to young people.
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