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Children's Festival Organisation Inc.

Contribute to a more tolerant Australian Society

Children’s Festival is a festival of nations dedicated to the youth of our community.  It is a family fun day, particularly for children, with onstage performances and activities such as a children’s parade, lantern parade, outdoor games, competitions (poster/writing/lantern/costume and table tennis), display and food stalls. 

Children from all cultures meet new friends, and showcase their talents in the spirit of playing together, growing together and living in harmony. It is a day of celebration of our diverse community, of pageantry and culture - a day of laughter and smiles. 

With adults and children coming together at the Children’s Festival and participating in activities and sharing the fun, we believe that we will be able to break down social barriers between cultures and generations. Adults have deeply rooted behaviours and beliefs that are difficult to alter. However children, who are the adults of tomorrow, are more accepting to changes and new experiences. There is no doubt that the Children's Festival can influence views and behaviour, and be part of a community-wide progression towards a more tolerant and harmonious society by working at a grassroots level.

Australia is a culturally diverse society. Our aim is to ensure the blending of cultures, and contribute to a tolerant and harmonious society by bringing all cultural communities together through the Children’s Festival, and making a contribution to a multicultural Australia.

It is through the Children’s Festival that the volunteers, particularly young volunteers, are doing such good things for children. The children enjoy the activities being created for them in a loving and caring environment that makes them realise the privileges of living in the young, big and culturally prosperous country of Australia.                

We hope that the children of today will try to do the same things for younger generations when they become adults. Having run for 20 years, the Children’s Festival has already seen children from past events come back years later with their own children. 


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