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Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation

The Children's Hospital at Westmead

The Children's Hospital at Westmead provides specialist care for children from around Australia and across the Pacific Rim as well as community education, advocacy for improved child health and ground-breaking research into childhood illnesses, all in a positive, caring and healing environment.

Founded in 1880, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is a public hospital, with 4,467 staff across 150 departments looking after more than 80,000 sick children and their families each year. This includes around 32,000 inpatient admissions, 57,000 emergency department presentations and more than 886,000 outpatient visits.

The hospital is home to the NSW Paediatric Burns Unit, the Paediatric Liver Transplant Unit, the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, the NSW Newborn Screening Service and National Poisons Information Centre, as well as the first Paediatric Tumour Bank in the southern hemisphere.

Part of Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation, fundraising for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is managed by Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation.


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1800 770 122

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