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National Trust of Australia (Victoria)

Christ Church St Kilda Restoration Appeal

Christ Church St Kilda, located at 14 Acland Street, is most probably the oldest public building south of the Yarra, and is also the only church built using Sorrento sandstone. The building urgently needs some loving care, and we are looking for community and financial support.

About Christ Church

The foundation stone for Christ Church was laid on 29 November 1854. The experimental stone for the church was shipped from Point King near Sorrento. The Melbourne Herald said the church was ...built with a close-grained sandstone of a warm buff tint, procured from Point Nepean, and, contrary to popular belief, has stood the test of exposure very well; a few bad stones which were accidentally used have been removed; and it is found that the stone possesses the property of hardening by exposure to the atmosphere; no anxiety therefore need be felt as to the lasting quality of the material.

This has been the subject of debate since. It was said originally that the stone had a life of sixty years. The current state of the church building shows there is now a need for some anxiety.

An article in the Melbourne Herald on 11 August 1857 described Christ Church as a very handsome and substantial structure in the early English style, consisting of nave, north and south transepts, chancel, vestry porches, and stone turret stair cases for the galleries. Its extreme length is 111 feet, width 32 feet, height to the ridge of the roof 50 feet.

The church cost 11,000 pounds and took 3 years to build. The doors opened on Sunday 2nd August 1857.

What needs to be done

Heritage architects estimate that Christ Church requires $2.6m to address the church exterior, including masonry conservation, roof and roof plumbing works, and stained and leaded glass. $1.6m is also required to address interior issues such as water penetration and wall/window works, and a further 200k is needed for landscaping and paving.

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has agreed to conduct this heritage restoration appeal for Christ Church St Kilda. It has classified the building and recognises that it is essential to Victoria's heritage and must be preserved. Donations to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) are tax deductible.

"As a neighbour, I decided to lead this campaign with the Friends of Christ Church. I wanted to make sure this iconic and unique building is passed on to future generations. This is the oldest public building on our side of the Yarra and we need to ensure its restoration." - Serge Thomann, former City of Port Phillip Deputy Mayor

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(03) 9656 9810

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