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Western Riverina Community College Inc

Western Riverina Community School Building Fund

Recent Donations

Elizabeth Grant


901 days ago

The Articulate Pear


963 days ago

David Martin


963 days ago

Western Riverina Community School needs your help! 

Education matters- Education transforms lives. 

Western Riverina Community College needs your help, the college is building a purpose-built site to house Western Riverina Community School. The college’s current project is to build a greenfield school site that will enable the community school to grow. With growth, the school’s ability to offer increased educational opportunities for disengaged young people. 

Education is a transforming experience for all to complete secondary schooling  

The benefits of education detailed by The OECD identify people with higher levels of education are more likely over their working life; to find employment, remain employed, learn new skills on the job, and earn more.  Additionally, the higher the level of education an individual achieves subsequent generation's education will surpass that of the preceding generation. In this sense, social outcomes through education extend to provide inter-generational community benefits. 

The benefits of educational opportunity

In the years since Western Riverina Comunity School began, there are many success stories where disengaged students have returned to and completed their schooling. Furthermore, these students are their own success stories where post-school destinations show progression to employment and or further education and training.

In a world where WRCS does not exist these individuals would not have returned to school, nor would they have a positive view of life equipped with knowledge generated through completing secondary education.  

Considering the above this project is an important one for our community and the generations to follow. In this sense, we are asking for your generosity to donate to the project to ensure the project becomes a reality. To donate continue on this site or for further information please contact Western Riverina Community College (02) 6964 5334.


Western Riverina Community College is a recognised charitable organisation by the Australian Tax Office and the Australian Charities Not for profit Commission. Donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible. 

NSW Office of Fair-Trading Charitable Fundraising Authority No CFN/26282


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