The artistic and educational work of the Consort of Melbourne is is made possible by the generous assistance of people like yourself.
Your kind support helps us not only maintain the highest artistic and curatorial standards, but also enables us to give back in turn, empowering and enabling us to promote and share our love and enthusiasm for vocal ensemble music to the wider community.
All donations to the Consort in support of our our charitable purposes are tax-deductable.
We are currently planning two major projects which will not be possible without some financial support:
RECORDING: A studio recording of 'I heart Artemis' by Wally Gunn (music) and Maria Zajkowski (text). This is a work very close to our hearts, as we were heavily involved in the workshop/development process as well as giving the Australian Premiere in 2023. We are committed to championing the works of Australian creators.
MULTI-MEDIA PERFORMANCE: A performance of 'Electric Cathedral' by Kevin March (Music), Kylie Supski (Text) and ReVerse Butcher (Digital environments). This is planned for Fringe Festival 2024 and will involve significant multimedia elements (lighting, projections and sound design). Your assistance will allow us to create a truly thrilling, innovative and immersive experience.
Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.