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Coal Point Progress Association Inc

Progress Hall Maintenance and Upgrades

The CPPA was founded in 1946 to serve the interests of the community. This forward thinking group banded together to raise funds to purchase the land for our locally designed and owned Progress Hall, which was built in 1951, as a space for locals to gather. This space has serviced the needs of the community as needs have come and gone.

Over the past decade grant funding has enabled the CPPA to install solar panels, underfloor insulation and air conditioning, making it very comfortable all year round and highly energy efficient venue. The renovated kitchen space, now completed, will allow us to explore and expand the uses of the hall, the rental of which is one of the income streams to support the hall’s ongoing maintenance and broader community projects.

The renovation plan will position the hall as:

  • a wet weather venue for local's celebrations
  • a highly versatile and energy efficient space for hosting community events that require modern kitchen facilities to cater for a crowd
  • an assembly room to play a role in providing a comfortable gathering place on extreme weather days
  • a venue to accommodate hosting social activities including musical and comedy events, to connect our communit
  • a gathering place for people interested in community conversations around collaborative housing initiatives to support ageing in place in a bushland suburb.

Our quest to have an accessible and enjoyable space is not yet complete.

On our fundraising wishlist is

  • addressing access issues into the building for the less mobile
  • providing disability parking spaces
  • reconfiguirng and reorientating the disabled toilet to be accessed from inside the hall
  • modernise the fixtures for the disabled toilet to comply with current standards
  • adding a shower facility to broaden the hiring potential.

Contact Details

197 Skye Point Road


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