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Memorial for Dinny Bridge

Supporting Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation Limited

Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation Limited

Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation Limited

Dinny experienced mental health issues throughout her life, and was a passionate advocate for social reform. Her husband Clive served in the First Battaliion of the Royal Australian Regiminent from 59-61 in Malaya and passed away in 1961 after recieving critical injuries while on patrol. She is survived by her two children Katy and Jo.

If you were considering purchasing flowers, we would much prefer a donation to this charity. 

The difference The Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation Limited have made to so many people is just extraordinary and we know there are so many others that would benefit from their work. This program supports the unique needs of children from serving and ex-serving ADF families.

Thank you.

Donations Received

Logo Photo Anonymous
We love you so much Grandma. You are in our hearts, always.
Logo Photo Anthony Korner
Logo Photo Anonymous
With love to Dinny’s family - she is remembered with love and appreciation for many good times when we were young.

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