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Waalitj Foundation Limited

Wirrpanda Foundation

The Wirrpanda Foundation exists to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by promoting strong role models and healthy life choices. Programs activities are designed to increase the retention of Aboriginal students in school and promote further study or entry into the workforce. The Foundation delivers carefully constructed, culturally inclusive programs which aim to empower and build capacity amongst its participants, families and community.

Our programs in WA, ACT, NSW, Queensland and Victoria include VTEC (Employment program in WA Mining, Construction, Oil and Gas industries), Plan 2day 4 2morrow (pre-employment program), Deadly Sista Girlz (positive engagement program for school girls), TC Leadership (health, fitness and leadership program) and Wirra Club (regional homework club).

  • 47.4% of Indigenous youth attain Year 12 education compared with 83.8% non-Indigenous students
  • 60% of Indigenous 17-24 year olds are not currently engaged in either education or employment
  • Indigenous youth aged 10-17 years are 31 times more likely to be detained in juvenile detention than non-Indigenous youth
  • 14% of Aboriginal females aged 18-24 years consume alcohol at high-risk levels

Our programs aim to reduce the disparity in health, education and employment with the goal of closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

How can your gift help us?

  • A donation of $20 will fund a health and fitness booklet and program materials for our young Aboriginal participants.
  • A donation of $50 will fund a healthy lifestyle and hygiene pack for our young Aboriginal participants in our communities
  • A donation of $100 will fund one-on-one mentoring for a young, disadvantaged Aboriginal participant in one of our programs who is at risk of disengaging in education.
  • A donation of $5,000 will fund one of our high impact, increased retention educational programs at a partner school for 10 sessions.

See for further information about our programs, and for donation forms.

If you would like to meet some of our staff, young Aboriginal participants and/or mentors please contact us today! (08) 9242 6700.

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Contact Details

42 Bishopsgate Street

(08) 9242 6700

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