Diverse Communities and Social Services (DCSS Australia) is a registered DGR ACNC Charity and Not-for-Profit Community Justice and Social Services Organisation throughout Australia.
Diverse Communities and Social Services (DCSS Australia) is the leading and only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI), LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual or other gender and sexual diversities), Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), Diversity and Inclusion focused organisation which delivers the leading Not-for-Profit Community Justice and Social Services Program operating across Australia.
DCSS Australia delivers this program in close partnership with the Victorian Department of Justice - Fines Victoria (WDP Team), New South Wales (NSW) Revenue Office - Legal Aid (WDO Team), Western Australia (WA) Department of Justice, City of Melbourne, as well as many of our other Community Partners.
DCSS Australia was established in 2014, Incorporated in 2016, Registered Charity Fundraiser in 2018, Registered Charity in 2019.
Our Values are: Trust - Respect - Integrity - Belief - Equality (T.R.I.B.E.)
About Us
We are a Not For Profit Organisation based throughout Australia.
We are the only LGBTI+ focused organisation which delivers an accredited Community Justice Program.
Our focus is to provide personalised assistance to those who are most in need of support. Our approach utilises the unique perspectives of the direct personal life experiences of each of our volunteers.
Direct experience is powerful and real - it is not learnt from a textbook!
The lived experiences of our members and volunteers mean we can offer greater empathy, understanding, advice and unique personalised service to empower our clients. Since we have ‘walked in the shoes’ of our clients, we understand what support is actually required.
About the Community Justice Program
At DCSS Australia we focus on supporting people who have incurred specific fines and debt in Victoria (VIC) and New South Wales (NSW).
We are accredited under Section 10H of the Fines Reform Act 2014 (Victoria Department of Justice) and under Section 99A of the Fines Act 1996 (NSW Revenue Department).
Further information about eligibility and about the programs can be found by visiting the following links:
VIC: https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/wdP | NSW: https://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/fines-and-fees/cant-pay-your-debt
If you would like to on-board with our organisation under our justice/WDOP program, please email us at Justice@dcssaustralia.org
We also engage in community support and development programs across Australia, helping people navigate their way through various challenges, to ensure an equal and just outcome for all parties.
Our clients are people with psycho-social and physical health difficulties and we assist them to better manage the challenges of everyday life in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
We are rapidly expanding our services and programs, as well as partnering with other community organisations to help people within the community and assist people to reach their goals!
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