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Advance Diversity Services

Domestic and Family Violence emergency financial assistance

Recent Donations

Doaa Khalifa


305 days ago

Tasneem Rashid


324 days ago

Shyama S


330 days ago

Mushrat Mishu


331 days ago

Vicki Megaloudis


333 days ago

Antoinette Chow


333 days ago

Stephanie Jean Heber


354 days ago

Marjorie Lewis-Jones


354 days ago

‘I was in a relationship with a person who was dominating and controlling,’ says Sophia. ‘I felt crushed and became homeless – but found most refuges wouldn’t take me in because of my teenage son. I had no money, limited English, no job and no driver’s license – so receiving emergency vouchers from ADS to pay for urgent items like food and toiletries was critical. Thanks to ADS, my son and I can live freely now – without fear. I’ve learnt to drive and even have a part time job!’

Emergency relief is vital in helping women like Sophia escaping Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) to pay for food, groceries, a phone card, train fares and other necessities.

Your donation to our DFV emergency financial assistance program enables us to support women to step towards their new lives – where a peaceful home is possible for them and their children. 

$20 – can provide emergency recharge for a mobile phone

$50 – can supply toiletries and sanitary items

$100 – can contribute to a week’s worth of emergency groceries

$1,000 – can contribute to the purchase of a laptop and internet access for a year.

Don’t underestimate the power of your gift today. 

Thank you for giving!


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Suite 231, 7-11 The Avenue


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