Advocacy for Inclusion in consultation with the Australian Federal Police, have created a Wallet Card specifically for people with disabilities. This card is to help when dealing with the police in the ACT and can also assist police in recognising when a person may require further supports.

Advocacy for Inclusion has identified a need for a resource which is focussed on improving the justice experience for people with disabilities. This wallet card can be used from the first point of contact with the police.


The card is 2 sided with 3 panels. Side one outlines what to do if the police want to talk to you. Side two details what to do if you need to talk to the police. The card also includes contact details of possible support services.


National figures indicate at least half of the Australian prisoner population are people with disabilities, and that the number of prisoners with disabilities entering or leaving Australian prisons throughout a year is in the tens of thousands.


Not only is there an overrepresentation of people with disabilities in the justice system, it has also been identified that in particular women with disability are at greater risk of being the victims of crime. Women with disability are 40% more likely to experience domestic violence than women without a disability and 70% of women with disability have been the victim of a violent sexual encounter. 


Advocacy for Inclusion looks forward to making a real difference to justice outcomes for people with disabilities.


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2.02 Griffin Centre 20 Genge St


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