Donate or Become a Crowdraising Ambassador

The Victorian Pride Centre will be an iconic, beautiful, safe and inclusive place that will promote equality, diversity, wellbeing, understanding and resilience. It will be the most loved, well known, well-resourced and visited home for LGBTIQ communities in Australia.

A destination where the past is acknowledged, the present celebrated and the future shaped. A lighthouse for generations to come.

Our donor program is designed to fit around your level of ability or desire to support the Pride Centre.

Our CrowdRaising Ambassador program supports you to activate your friends, family and colleagues to raise the funds needed to contribute to:

  • The LGBTIQ community & its allies truly owning the centre
  • Ensuring flexible, permanent and professional working spaces for LGBTIQ organisations & groups
  • Creating state of the art historical, social, cultural & artistic spaces
  • 21st Century digital connection and access for the socially & geographically isolated.

Make a straight Donation using the amounts above or click on "Create CrowdRaiser" to the right to set up your own CrowdRaising page.


PLEASE NOTE: Donations to the Victorian Pride Centre are tax deductible.

Fundraise for this cause

Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.

Contact Details

Victorian Pride Centre, Level 11, Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins Street

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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Once your donation has been processed, we'll send you a printable PDF version of the card to the email address you entered above, so you can print it yourself and give it to the recipient.
We'll automatically send an eCard to the recipient's email address (to be provided below) on the date you choose.

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Since the gift card will be in A4 size and the image will be half of the card, please upload an image with at least in 794 height x 561.5 width dimension (96 PPI).
Please refer to this link for resolutions options for A4 paper size in pixels.

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