Why are we collecting funds?
Our mission at Geelong Animal Rescue is to provide a voice for abandoned, neglected and unloved animals. We aim to provide compassion and quality of life for rescued animals via love and expert rehabilitation. We volunteer our time, effort and resources because we are passionate about the rescue and rehabilitation of animals. Our ultimate goal is to re home GAR animals into loving 'forever' families. Geelong Animal Rescue is financially limited in its ability to rescue and rehabilitate animals that require Veterinary or behavioural training assistance. Therefore we need the support of like-minded people, like yourself!
Why are we needed?
Tens of thousands of unwanted animals are surrendered to animal shelters each year. Many more are abandoned in areas where their likely fate is death by accident, starvation, disease or from predators.
Many impounded animals are destroyed because the pound that houses them has little demand from the community or the capacity to hold a large number of animals.
Some shelters just can't afford to keep them.
Due to the lack of re-homing appeal, animals with medical issues are the first to be euthanized.
What we do to help?
Rescue animals that cannot cope in the pounds Australia wide or via direct surrenders
Place animals in loving foster homes
Provide Veterinary consultations to the animals with poor health
De-sex, microchip, vaccinate, flea and worm treat all fosters
Provide training to animals with behavioural issues.
Find all GAR fosters a forever home through an adoption process.
We fundraise ~$25000 annually to undertake our work - but we need more to do more. We receive no Government funding and our adoption fees cover only one third of our spending.
Are donations tax deductable? Yes
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Yes, immediately sent to you by email when approved.
Donate to Geelong Animal Rescue
Funds: http://geelonganimalrescue.org.au/donate-2/donatefunds/
Goods: http://geelonganimalrescue.org.au/donate-2/donategoods/
Leave a Bequest: http://geelonganimalrescue.org.au/donate-2/bequest/
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