Recent Donations

Eve Mackinnon


455 days ago

Michael Snowden


499 days ago

Penelope Aitken


500 days ago

Richard Frost


501 days ago

Lisa Willersdorf


507 days ago

Kim Henry


507 days ago

Nerida Jessup


507 days ago

Jonathan Lechte


507 days ago

We aim to bring hope, restore dignity and purpose, while imparting the skills needed to take steps toward rebuilding family relationships. Our committed team of staff and volunteers provide a network of services including housing, health, life skills, family, employment and financial counselling, rehabilitation, and most importantly Deaf services. 

We specifically address all key areas of a person’s mental health and wellbeing, self-awareness, traits, and behaviours which inhibit personal growth. We address grief, loss and trauma and work with identified goals and a sight firmly set on a path forward for each individual. 

Eagles Corner has joined forces with DeafHub Bendigo, Signpedia and Karli’s Health Centre to help provide our unique program with on-line support through various Deaf services, as well as our growing involvement with the Deaf communities locally, NSW, QLD and SA to focus on the real-life practical integration within the Hearing communities. 

With the generosity of supporters to date, Eagles Corner has directly helped more than 20 individuals with advice, support and rehabilitation for mental health, substance abuse or homelessness issues.  

Homelessness and addiction is wide-ranging and far-reaching. For every person Eagles Corner helps change, at least another five people have benefited directly, with countless others benefiting indirectly. This includes children growing up without a parent, loved ones whose relationships are marred by the effects of addiction, as well as friends, colleagues and/or neighbors. 

We have now set goals to increase our capacity, continue our positive achievements, reach for greater outcomes, all while advocating for better outcomes for those we help. These include: 

  • expanding the recovery options for the Deaf facing challenges of addiction
  • give our Clients access to more tailored services,
  • improve the potential to seek and maintain meaningful employment
  • leading to better health outcomes for our Clients, their families and the wider community. 

Eagles Corner makes a real difference and you can too, when you invest in a solution to the problem. And of course, all donations are tax deductible as we are a fully registered charity. 


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24-30 View Street


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