No other organisation in Tasmania does what we do. For over 20 years, when people have heard about proposed forestry operations, wondered why a waterway is polluted, seen a notice about development, or been concerned about loss of bushland, they’ve called EDO Tasmania for advice.

As our unique Australian animals and plants face extinction and global warming begins to really bite, the eight Environmental Defenders Offices around the country have now joined forces to unite as a single, stronger, truly national Environmental Defenders Office.

The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals.

With the support of people like you, we design better laws to solve our most pressing problems, and empower people to use the law to protect our environment and everything that depends on it for survival.

Together, with your support, our team of environmental law experts will work with passion and dedication to fight the legal battles needed to keep our climate safe and our communities healthy.

Help us provide legal services and scientific advice to people from all walks of life seeking to safeguard our precious water sources, defend our wildest places, and protect our natural and built environment.

But there’s no time to waste – we need your help today! Your tax-deductible donation to the Environmental Defence Fund will help people fighting for environmental justice right across Australia and the South Pacific.

Please note: We'd like to stay in touch. Donors to EDO will be sent email communication from time-to-time, including our fortnightly e-bulletin with news on the environment, law reform, legal cases, events and more. Feel free to opt out at anytime.


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131 Macquarie Street

(03) 6223 2770

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