We are seeking donations to support us deliver programmes in the Elizabeth South region. The programmes aim to support those living with disadvantage.
Elizabeth South Community Centre Inc. is a not for profit organisation run with, by and for local people in Elizabeth South. It is based on Community Development principles - seeking to empower people to take control of their lives, situation and environment. It does not seek to do things for people, but rather include them in the doing.
Through our relationships at the Community Centre, we know that the area of Playford is a place where many people are lonely, use drugs and alcohol, live with a mental illness, face high unemployment, contend with family and domestic violence, and are struggling to make ends meet. However, we also know that it is a place full of resilient people, who are not afraid of hard work or to reach out to someone doing it tough.
We strongly believe in the skills and talents of the people of this community, and it is a privilege to see them serve and grow at the Elizabeth South Community Centre.
Your TAX DEDUCTABLE donation will contribute to the vital ongoing work of the Community Centre.
Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.