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Community Support Frankston

Emergency Relief Appeal

Recent Donations

vedantam sampath kumar


43 days ago



73 days ago



74 days ago

Brenda Thurgar


79 days ago



83 days ago

Orwil Street Community House INC


85 days ago



89 days ago



105 days ago

More than ever, we need your help to bridge the gap between funding short falls and community requests for HELP.

Every week, more and more people in Frankston are reaching out to Community Support Frankston (CSF) for help, no thanks to the rising cost of living and housing pressures. Please help us to help others from falling further behind!

With recent reductions in Government funding, CSF needs your help in raising $100,000 for our Emergency Relief (ER) funding, helping Frankston people living in crisis with essential financial assistance, material aid, information, specialist services and advocacy.

A donation to CSF (through this appeal) guarantees that 100% of your donation is put straight back into the community, paying for the likes of emergency food, clothing, medications, utility bills, vouchers, hot meals, education and housing related needs. None of the money received will be spent on wage or administration costs, thanks to CSF's dedicated volunteers! 

All monetary donations over$2.00 are tax reductable with receipts automatically generated for you.

54 years serving the residents of Frankston, CSF is the largest serving independant community welfare related service in the Frankston Local Government area.

Our skilled volunteer community workers are put through nationally accredited training to help support people with diverse and complex needs. Each year, our emergency relief program and other services help more than 10,000 local Frankston residents, including families each year. Our 80+ active volunteers also assist with the likes of our hot meals program, reception, brochures, administration and other food and non-food related roles. 

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35 Beach Street


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