The Poppy Appeal began in Australia in 1921, when the Returned & Services League of Australia, as it is now known, first introduced the appeal to raise funds for returned soldiers after the First World War. The Red Poppy has become an international symbol of sacrifice and remembrance, to be worn with pride on Remembrance Day, November 11.

Members of the public can support the RSL Poppy Appeal by buying a poppy and/or by making a donation. You may wish to make this donation in memory of a loved one who made the supreme sacrifice during a time of conflict or who has passed away since.

Why are you collecting funds?

The annual Poppy Appeal is co-ordinated by the Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) with the support of RSL Sub Branches, to ensure that all Ex-Service and Service Men and Women and their dependants are provided with adequate welfare and care services.

World War Two veterans are by far the most numerous in the veteran community currently and will benefit mostly from funds raised by the Poppy Appeal.

Conflicts and operations up to the present day also mean that the League is needed now and in the future, for the younger generation as well as their parents and grandparents. At present, Australian Defence Force Personnel are on active duty in many part of the world including Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor and the Solomon Islands.

How will the funds be used?

Tax deductible donations from the Poppy Appeal are deposited directly into the Eternal Flame Foundation's Gift Fund, recently established by the RSL (Queensland Branch) to provide financial welfare assistance and care services to those in need within the Ex-Service and Service community.

Through the Eternal Flame Foundation, tax deductible donations to the Poppy Appeal will be made available for immediate and future welfare assistance within the objectives of the Foundation.

Key Areas of Expenditure

Relief of poverty, sickness or distress
Emergency crisis funding including funeral expenses
Care and support services including home modifications

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Contact Details

283 St Pauls Terrace

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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