The event will bring together around 180 staff and volunteers, including peers and chaplains, and others with an interest in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the 139,000 people working across Victoria’s emergency service sector. This event is support by WorkSafe Victoria.
About this event
Designed by people within the sector, this bespoke event will provide opportunity to:
Network with likeminded colleagues from 15 emergency service agencies
Learn from experts and leading practitioners
Reflect and discuss emerging mental health and wellbeing issues for our sector
Collaborate and be inspired
Take away ideas to improve your practice
The program is currently being finalised to include the following key topics
Prevention – we know we need it but what does it actually mean? – Enterprise Professor Nicole Sadler, CEO Phoenix Australia
AI and the future of mental health – a brave new world
Moral injury
Dealing with addictions – Dr Kevin Lutz, Wounded Warriors Canada
Is there a spiritual dimension to the mental health continuum? – Jim Jung, Police Champlain VicPol
What about the trauma we bring into the job? – Dr Richard Chambers
Transformative hope, holding space and connection for recovery – David Younger, Clinical and consultant psychologist
A story of lived experience and how it can be used in program design – Belinda Neil, Fearless and former NSW Police Inspector