Help RISE establish an eX-detainees run and managed farm.
RISE is a non-profit organisation founded, governed and led by eX-detainees in Australia. RISE does not accept any funding from the Federal or State government or local councils. RISE provides tonnes of food and household items to hundreds of members every week through the RISE 'door-to-door' Emergency Relief Drive Program. This requires RISE to source donations every week on an urgent basis. RISE will establish a community farm run on a self-sustainable farming model to more easily supply food to those in need. This is vital as inflation, cost of living and supply chain risk have increased sharply. RISE members will also be able to boost their skills in small-scale agriculture and production and form nourishing community ties in a safe space.
What we are asking for
RISE members need food to survive – and rely heavily on imported goods, RISE Food Bank and the Emergency Relief Drive Program for deliveries of essentials on a daily basis. These are emergency measures and provide immediate relief to families living on or below the poverty line. A sharp increase in inflation means that members struggle to afford daily essentials. A community farm will provide sustainable, long-term outcomes to RISE members by providing consistent and seasonal fresh produce. This will reduce RISE reliance on charity and fluctuations in the consumer price index.
Your support will help secure:
In Australia, eX-detainees are arguably ONE of the poorest, marginalised, racially profiled and systematically discriminated sectors of the community. eX-detainees are also one of the most immunocompromised and vulnerable cohort of people in the Australian community. Your support will meet an urgent and critical need.
The RISE Community Farm will operate on principles of sustainability, self-determination, autonomy, well-being and self-care.
'Nothing About Us Without Us'
RISE eX-detainee Team
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