To enable a coordinated response for fundraising in areas traditionally supported by fire fighters: (children's health, burns treatment and cancer treatment). The fund will also have a component (FireLegacy) providing financial support to member nominated firefighters and community members experiencing financial hardship due to serious illness and/or disability.
The majority of the funds 80-90% will be distributed annually between 3 core charities (listed above), an additional nominated charity and FireLegavy. The balance will be placed into a perpetual growth fund, with a small amount for operating costs. There are no wages paid, with all Board and committee positions being voluntary. The fund is fully supported by the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, The United Firefighters Union and accounts are managed by the Firefighters Credit Union. The fund will operate within Victoria.
The three core charity areas: children's health, burns care and cancer treatment. In addition one nominated recognized charity (DGR) per annum and FireLegacy, a component that supports member nominated individuals (firefighters and members of the community) facing financial hardship due to illness or disability - the FFCF board approval for such nominations is on a case by case basis. To date, activities of a business, taxation, bookkeeping, legal and administrative nature have been provided pro-bono by either the MFB or other supporters.
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