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Fishcare Victoria Inc.

Educating the next generation in responsible anglers

Our waterways and oceans and fisheries are under threat. Unsustainable fishing practices, pest species, pollution and litter are choking our wildlife from fish to birds to marine mammals and even to aquatic vegetation. Everyone needs to know how they can minimise their impact on our wonderful aquatic environments.

You can help Fishcare Victoria educate the community on what it takes to enjoy our waterways in a responsible manner, to be a sustainable angler and even a smarter consumer to ensure our waterways are respected and conserved into the future.

What do we do?

We run educational workshops with Victorian school children, multicultural communities, disability groups and the broader community to highlight what they can do to make a difference for the conservation of our waterways and oceans.

Limiting the spread of pest species, managing litter appropriately, cleaning up our beaches and waterways, using fish friendly tackle, fish identification, buying only sustainably caught or farmed seafood are just a few of the topics we look at with our participants.

We produce educational resources to inform community on what's under the water and how we can protect it.

We want everyone to be able to enjoy Victoria's wonderful coastline and inland waters but to realise how precious our waterways and oceans are to ensure these environments are protected long into the future.

What can YOU do?

You can help Fishcare Victoria spread its message of sustainability to al Victorians. If you can't become an active volunteer then why not donate to our cause to show your support.

  • $10 pays for environmentally friendly fishing tackle such as lead free sinkers and biodegradable fishing line
  • $25 pays for a class set of our "What's under the Water" educational booklet for Victorian Primary Children. Check out our full range of educational resources at
  • $50 allows our volunteers to make a presentation on sustainable fishing and use of our waterways and oceans to lobby and community groups ensuring our message is heard.
  • $250 allows us to run a sustainable fishing workshop with a class of Victorian school children or a Victorian Community Group

Join us at to see more about how we'll spend your gift.

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Contact Details

PO Box 93


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