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Communify Qld Ltd.

Flooring for the Exchange

Recent Donations

Eleasa Sieh


96 days ago



97 days ago

Lyn Hilton


147 days ago

Bahareh Dibadin


155 days ago

Kaylene Moschioni


165 days ago



175 days ago

Ash Chirnside


175 days ago

Kavita Gonsalves


176 days ago

The Exchange has attracted over 8000 people to the space for the past 6 months through various programs, groups, classes and events. The space has regular weekly foot traffic of over 800 people with programs, lunches, dinners and events.  The carpet in this space is 18 years old and stained and old and very overdue to be replaced. Our aim is to replace the carpet with vinyl in the space, making it easier to clean and, improving the presentation of this popular community space.

People who are lonely, culturally and linguistically diverse community members, people who are struggling to afford to eat, and children and young people are amongst the many that access this community space on a regular basis.  Magic happens in this space, lives are and can be changed by experiencing social connection, learning English, sharing a meal with others, getting homework help or even the external uses of the venue like drama groups, debating societies and the community groups who access the space. They would all appreciate and value a physical improvement to this life changing space that they have grown to know and love.

We’d really love your support to help with the replacement of the old, stained carpet in this highly utilised community space with new vinyl flooring as this will greatly improve the appearance of the space while making it easier to clean and maintain. Given the high use of this community space, there is a significant urgency and high need for this. 

Any support goes a long way and any donation big or small is greatly appreciated. Even if you can’t donate, spreading the word can really help, so if you could please share, we would also be really grateful. 


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180 Jubilee Terrace


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