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FOP Australia

FOP Australia

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is one of the rarest, most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine, causing bone to form in muscles and other soft tissue. Whenever extra bone is formed across joints it permanently restricts movement. It is a progressive disease and there is currently no cure. This is where we need your help

How will the funds be used?

Our mission is to

  • raise awareness of the condition and prevent misdiagnosis; to operate on a FOP patient can have detrimental effects worsening the condition
  • provide a support network for individuals and families; and
  • establish and fund research towards a treatment and cure. Finding a cure for FOP can also help find cures or treatments for other bone diseases, like osteoporosis.

Why we need your help?

Rare diseases in general, are often overlooked underfunded. There are 19 patients in Australia and 2 in New Zealand and it is difficult for us to receive funding with such a small group of people. However, your gift can help us contribute to the international effort and help beat this horrific condition.

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