The Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) - Frankston Unit is made up of members from the City of Frankston. We are all unpaid volunteer rescue workers giving up our time to help serve your community 24 hours, 7 days a week during entrapment rescue involving car/industrial/domestic situations as well as storm, floods and other emergency events.

We also assist other agencies (Victoria Police, Fire & Ambulance) in searching for missing people, crime scenes and general rescue duties.

VICSES do not charge a call out fee for our services, but without local members of our community supporting us we would not be able to purchase much needed equipment to  help make sure you get the best service in your time of need.

We rely on generous donations from the community to maintain and upgrade essential equipment.

Visit our Facebook page:


For more information about the Victoria State Emergency Service and how to prepare for storms and floods, visit


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6 McMannis Way


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