Outback Links:
Outback Links has more than 10 years experience connecting skilled volunteers with people in remote Australia who could use a helping hand.
Outback Links is a unique, Australia wide service with a community of more than 1000 volunteers from various backgrounds who share a passion for giving back to farmers in remote Australia.
Patrol Ministry:
Patrol Ministers are constantly on the road visiting people on isolated properties, Aboriginal communities, mine sites and road gangs.
They are available for ministry, yet much of their time is taken up simply listening to people who face the daily challenges of isolation.
Often Patrol Ministers are the only source of spiritual support and confiding trust for isolated families and those who work in remote Australia, travelling tens of thousands of kilometres each year, visiting approximately 10,000 families and individuals.
Ultimately, Patrol Ministers aim to be thought of as friends who can be called on in times of need.
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