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Flying Fruit Fly Circus

The Flying Fruit Fly Circus was founded in 1979, the International Year of the Child. Today, we are one of the world’s leading youth arts companies, both a celebrated producer of contemporary circus-based theatre for young people and a national centre of arts training excellence, catering primarily for young people from age 8 to 18. 

Over many fruitful years our circus performers have tumbled, flipped and flown their way into the hearts of millions around the world. Many Fruit Fly graduates have gone on to thrill and entertain audiences with leading international circus and theatre companies including Circus Oz, Cirque Du Soleil, Legs on the Wall, Circa, Casus, Tom Tom Crew, and many more.

We are proudly based in the twin border towns of Albury-Wodonga and our innovative training programs are a benchmark for the industry with students benefiting from the talents and knowledge of world-class trainers.

Our full-time circus program is delivered over a 41-week school year with a principal aim to provide elite-level technical skills and artistic learning for young people who have the dedication and attributes to become professional, industry-ready circus performers. 

We are passionately committed to ensuring our aspiring young artists fulfill their ambitions and follow their dreams. We can only achieve this with your help.


What are the funds used for? 

The Flying Fruit Fly Foundation is a charitable entity that supports the Flying Fruit Fly Circus to:

  • maintain quality services;
  • attract world-class instructors and international master trainers;
  • provide health, injury prevention and physiotherapy programs;
  • provide outstanding performance opportunities locally, nationally and internationally; and
  • attract the very best creative leaders and arts practitioners.


“The young people of this community created a Circus, not with animals, whips or cages but a circus in which, as has been well said, ordinary kids do extraordinary things… no one realised that this event would lead to a major community achievement and an important step in Australia’s cultural development.” Bob Hawke, Prime Minister 1986

For more information about the Flying Fruit Fly Foundation, please contact us on 02 6043 0777 or

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605 Hovell St


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