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Global Care Australia

Community Care Programs

Global Care Australia is the charity arm of International Network of Churches. Working through local INC churches, Global Care impacting almost 100 local communities around Australia. Our local operations run an array of social assistance programs such as low-cost grocery stores, op shops, and school feeding programs. In the event of a disaster, Global Care Australia partners with the local church, local council, and other disaster relief organizations to support communities as they recover. 

By partnering financially with Global Care, you will be supporting our mission of 'mates helping mates'. We hope to build on the programs already estbalished and have an even greater impact in the community. Our dream would be to set up disaster-response hubs around the country, so that churches located in disaster-prone areas are equipped to respond when needed. 

Thank you for your generous donation to the work of Global Care.

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7/9 Ern Harley Drive

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