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Goodna Street Life Inc

Goodna Street Life

Goodna Street Life was established in 2015, to provide housing and support for the homeless.  Through Helens Haven at 229 Brisbane Rd Goodna, we provide crisis accommodation, foodbank and meals, drug and alcohol counselling, mental health support, DV crisis support, and general support for the homeless and the broader community.   We also provide training opportunities to help people develop new skills, build self confidence and self worth, so they can gain indepence and create their own opportunities.
Our housing services provided accommodation for over 100 people from crisis accommodation to long term transitional housing, and in 2021 we provided 9611 nights of accommodation, and provided food support to over 300 local families.
In 2020 we launched our homeless sleeping pods project with has received international attention, and we hope to have our locally manufactured homeless sleeping pods in communities across Queensland, and help get people off the streets into saftey, and provide a real opportunity for people to get back on their feet.
Through partnership with other community service providers Goodna Street Life aims to be a regional leader in community support, to demonstrate the enduring spirit of our community, and to help local families overcome hardship.

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229 Brisbane Road


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