After 37 years, the Green Room Awards is introducing a private giving program, the Winners Circle.

Over the last few years we have been looking at ways to connect with past winners and supporters of the awards.  Since 1982 thousands of talented performing artists have benefitted from the awards and the ceremony has become a vital gathering point for the sector. Although we receive support through the City of Melbourne, government funding is becoming ever-tighter and we need to broaden our support base. The winners circle provides an opportunity to achieve the twin goals of bringing previous winners, judges and committee members together and helping to support the ongoing success of the awards. 

Victoria’s outstanding performing arts scene relies on the artists, producers, presenters and technicians who make it happen. Your support will provide vital funds to acknowledge outstanding work and host the awards, a major annual gathering and discussion for the performing arts community.  Help us continue the cycle of giving!

We also want to provide an opportunity for previous winners and associates to join the conversation about our sector. Over the next few months we will be working on ways to make that happen. In the meantime, please contact us at if you have a story to tell about what the awards meant to you or feedback or a suggestion for the awards.

To be a part of Winners Circle, we respectfully invite people to make a donation of $100 or over. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


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103/35 Johnston St

(03) 9690 6131

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