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Good Samaritan Inn

Donate to Good Samaritan Inn

Established in 1996 by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, the Good Samaritan Inn (GSI) provides a range of crisis and short-term accommodation, and specialist supports to women, non-binary, gender diverse people and children who have been impacted by family violence and homelessness. 

Every donation helps GSI provide safe and inclusive spaces and programs that support victim-survivors to regain their personal strength and sense of self – so that they can be empowered to make informed decisions about their next steps and their future lives.

Your donation will support us to:

  • Provide theraputic support programs for adults and children staying at the refuge, including art therapy and sensory garden therapy sessions in our beautiful on-site garden space.
  • Continue to enhance our theraputic and communal spaces within the refuge, both inside and outside.
  • Purchase items for the refuge to ensure our guests feel safe and welcomed when they arrive.
  • Facilitate Story Time and other group and individual activities for women, children, and young people.
  • Help more victim-survors regain their confidence and economic independence through our Women in Work Program.

Thank you for contributing to this vital work. 


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Contact Details

PO Box 1655

0435 779 064

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