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Caroline Chisholm Society

Goulburn Valley Pregnancy and Family Support Service

Since 1972, we’ve been operating a donation-funded service in Shepparton.

Serving the whole of the Goulburn Valley, we need your donations of $30,000 per year to keep this service open. We invest our donations in:

  • Ensuring professionals are close at hand during social, parenting and playgroups.
  • Goods for new babies and pregnant mothers, including pharmaceuticals.
  • Supporting our volunteers to support families without the burden of cost.

Approximately 500 times a year, someone comes to our door in Shepparton to seek a warm and welcoming environment. These mums and families are experiencing a wide variety of issues, including poverty, homelessness, family violence, mental health issues and life-controlling addictions.

The support we give, be it goods, a place to come or a listening ear, make a tangible difference in families lives.


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1 Darebin Place


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