Our long-term international volunteers are a crucial part of our African-led ministry in Africa. When you donate, you are enabling us to build resilience in vulnerable communities because long-term volunteers serve African leaders and act as "scaffolding": a temporary, but essential tool in building a structure and leaving it stronger than upon arrival. African leaders are able to focus on what their strengths are, while international volunteers serve and support in whichever way expands their impact and reach.
"It has been a huge privilege serving alongside international volunteers. They offer unique ways of seeing and doing things and add huge value to the work. We learn so much from each other!!" - Jackie Okindah, Hands at Work leader from Kenya.
Australian Volunteers:
Kara McLaughlin - serving in Zambia with the Regional Support Team
Brooke Sityata - serving in South Africa with the Hospitality Team
Melissa Warren - served 7 years in Zambia now serving in Australia leading the Projects Team
Emma Baxter - serving in Zambia with Service Centre Teams
Please consider donating to Hands at Work's ministry to sustain their important roles and contributions.
Your generous one-off or regular donations strengthen Hands at Work's ministry in Africa, through supporting our long-term volunteers.
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